Kollar Clothing Transitions Into David Kollar

In the dynamic realm of fashion, where trends come and go, a brand's ability to adapt and evolve is crucial. Kollar Clothing, a brand known for its rebellious spirit and commitment to quality, is now undergoing a transformation. As it enters a new era, Kollar Clothing is rebranding itself as David Kollar, encapsulating the creative vision of its founder and taking its distinctive identity to new heights.

Having worked diligently on their campaigns since 2018, we are excited to share that we will be involved in producing a documentary that aims to capture the essence of this transition!

David Kollar emerges as a result of the transformation of Kollar Clothing, carrying forward its legacy of nonconformity and dedication to excellence. Guided by the visionary mind of David Kollar, the brand is poised to make a lasting impact in the ever-evolving world of fashion.

DOP: Miguel Fuentes